No Challenge, No Change
The past couple of years have definitely forced us to slow down and to take a good hard look at our lives. It has been a time to reassess our futures and to change the way we think and do things. I believe that the way we live and many of the things we do are directly linked to our happiness in some way. The feeling of moving forward, making progress and achieving are all part of it.
A short while ago I had a eureka moment. I found press up’s easy for the first time ever in my life, it was a thrill and I was really excited about it. Mainly because I had set myself this challenge and had been accountable only to me. It was during lockdown that I started to try to build up to a full press up. It took quite some time, and was a process of baby steps built up over a period of time. Patience paid off and I finally did my first full press up. Then I increased the number I did each time and so it went on.
Why do I find this so joyous? Mainly because I am my own motivator, I have no-one else to report to, no-one else setting me challenges and I work out alone, so no buddy to encourage me. That in itself is a challenge, but it has become a way of life for me since I set up Mushroom. Only I can set a plan or a challenge, which means only I can fulfil it or not.
A pattern of regular exercise has been the one constant in my life as my nest started to empty and I found myself with more time to myself. It is something I can do anywhere and at anytime to suit my day. Although I do find it easier to workout in the morning. There are now so many home workouts that don’t require equipment or much space, so really there is no excuse not to exercise in my mind anyway. I actually look forward to doing a workout when I wake in the morning, and will always exercise when I am on holiday.
Don’t get me wrong it’s not always easy, some days are better than others. But once you get into a routine and it starts to pay off, you see the results which makes you want to carry on and the cycle continues.
That being said I am merely using exercise as an example in this instance. Remember the mere action of setting yourself a goal of some description can give you the impetus to drive forwards in whatever it is you are trying to achieve. My next challenge is to refresh my keyboard skills. I got to Grade 5 on the piano when I was younger and would love to tinkle the ivories again
This got me thinking about there being no change without a challenge. We are by nature creatures of habit, not feeling inclined to change anything that isn’t broken. Most of our life goals are based around comfort so we think that we need to continually improve this comfort. We are happy to make changes to the interiors of our homes, and to the way we dress with the latest fashions. But what I am suggesting is pushing yourself beyond your normal limits, setting yourself a new challenge which has no relation or effect at all on your comfort.
You create discomfort and change for yourself and in such are able to push yourself further. Look at it as a form of personal development, enabling you to expand your full potential. Just in the same way we did when we were younger and learning to do things. A new challenge is good for the mind, body and soul.
Don’t be afraid to dream big in order to develop yourself in any area you choose. This way you will release your potential and expand yourself by learning and improving. Definitely play to your strengths but don’t be frightened to challenge your weaknesses too - we all have them. By testing yourself you will only grow, and when you do, remember to enjoy the process and celebrate the small wins along the way.
I think we have all got rather used to living in an instant world. Next day delivery, instant meals, watching whole box sets in one sitting, but the journey with yourself and your personal growth, be it physical or mental is never ending. It’s too easy to think you can’t do something, “I won’t be any good at it”. It’s in our nature to give up before we have begun and to think we won’t be good at something. We all get it, it’s called ‘imposter syndrome’. I was first aware of it when I wrote my first blog, again when I set up my online shop and with my Instagram account. Sometimes you don’t want to tell anyone what you are doing incase of failure, but being accountable can be on occasions to best way to ensure you will give something a proper go.
That being said, not all things that you attempt will be a roaring success, or they may work for a while and then stop working. That’s fine too, pat yourself on the back for even trying, for putting yourself out there and for the part of the process that worked. I have first hand experience with this with my online shop. It worked, and it worked well for a good while, but in order to take it to the next level it needed a lot of money investing in it. Money I wasn’t prepared to commit. I thought long and hard about why, and I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t enjoying the whole process. I loved the orders coming in, and the feedback from the customers, but I hated trying to find the right size box and packing the orders. More so, I hated the returns as I took them personally. I was also not prepared to do fairs which didn’t help. But the bottom line was, I found it lonely.
I think what I am trying to say is to challenge yourself to bring out your best self that makes you feel happy. It’s a reminder to value our health, family, and friendships. Don’t let it be too late, sometimes we don’t know how lucky we are until something is gone. Don’t let it be the opportunity for you to try something new and challenging. And remember along the way to stop and look up, and always make time to smell the roses.